Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's a Boy!

We are so excited to announce that we are going to have a little BOY!!!

Last Friday was my last day at the University (YES) so now I am staying busy preparing for the Linc and the arrival of our baby boy. We have some important and not so important (but FUN) decisions to make in the coming weeks so I thought I would share some of my random thoughts with you all as I try to sort through my "baby decisions".

- I am still not 100% sure if I want to get an epidural. I have read MANY articles on this important subject, but I am still not completely convinced either way. Although, after listening to my friend Dasha's birth story (she had a 100% natural birth), I am definitely convinced that natural birth is a BIG commitment.

- I am trying to decide if I want to use disposable or cloth diapers. I have read some great articles on the benefits and ease of cloth diapers, but I am still not sure if I want to take the plunge. I feel that cloth diapers are better for the environment and allow the child to better sense when they are wet, but I am still basically trying to decide if I think I will be able to "handle" the extra work (laundry, etc.) that I will experience if I cloth diaper.

- Along the same lines, I have been reading about elimination communication and am contemplating giving it a try. Do you all think I have completely lost it??? I assure you I have not... I just really like look at alternatives to traditional thinking.

- Now that I know I am having a boy, I have been searching for fun things like crib bedding and nursery decor. I do not have a clear vision at this point, but I know that I want the room to be vintage inspired. I'm wanting to use vintage toys, fabrics, etc. This being said, I am thinking that I am going to have to make the bedding and several other decor items.

- We have thrown out MANY names and only one has stuck thus far. Nathan and I both like it, but we are not quite ready to announce it. His middle name on the other hand has been a bit more challenging. Let's just say we've had a lot of laughs over names :).

In other news...

- We hosted an 80's themed 30th birthday party for a close friend and it was a blast! Who knew that dressing up and listening to 80's music could be so much fun?
- Nate and I have decided to go on a 5-day cruise for our anniversary (a few weeks early)!!! We leave in just a few short weeks, so we are anxiously awaiting some quality R/R time together.

- Nate has recently started to pressure wash our entire fence. He has been working so hard night after night and he still isn't even close to halfway done. I am so thankful he takes such good care of things like our fence because cleaning that fence would have never crossed my mind :).

- We are currently without a camera, but hopefully we will purchase one soon so that I can share more exciting update pictures with you all (I assure you my belly is growing).

- I ordered a new book titled Passionate Housewives: Desperate for God and I am really excited to read it. I know that I need to start to prepare myself for becoming a stay at home wife and mother and I have heard this is a great book for soon-to-be housewives. I will let you all know if it is a good read.