Friday, August 14, 2009

Birthday Pictures/ Pregnancy Update

I had a fabulous birthday! Nathan treated me not only to dinner out, but also breakfast. After dinner, we went to Barnes and Nobles to browse books, which I always enjoy. It was a very fun and relaxing day, just the way I like it! I am so thankful that Nathan always makes me feels special on my birthday. I am truly blessed to have him as my husband.

As you can tell, we have a camera again! Actually, we have two great cameras now thanks to my deal finder, Nathan. He gave me a great Canon point and shoot camera for my birthday (thank you, thank you) and he purchased an almost professional grade Canon for nice photos. As I mentioned before, he has been doing a lot of reading about cameras and photography so he was eager to test out the new cameras. Hopefully by the time our baby comes, he will be a real professional :).

Almost 20 weeks!
Recent Pregnancy Changes:
- I can feel him moving almost every day now! I usually notice him moving when I am sitting still. Monday was the first time I actually felt him move (aside from "popcorn" movement). I was sitting in my favorite chair reading about glorious motherhood and all the sudden he started doing some flips. It was awesome! Since then, I have felt him move every day!!!

- For the most part, I am experiencing little to no sickness. I have the occasional stomach ache or tired feet, but other than that I am feeling really good right now. PRAISE GOD! I am really trying to work on his nursery and other household tasks while I feel good because I know that as I get bigger these tasks will seem more daunting.

- I am still exercising, but I can no longer run. I can walk up five giant hills and feel completely fine, but as soon as I start bouncing up and down, I feel like I HAVE TO find the nearest restroom (Can anyone relate?). I mourned the loss of running at first, but now I am just thankful that I can still enjoy walking and lifting weights.

- I remember reading in one of my baby books that at 18 weeks maternity clothes would be a must and at 20 weeks strangers would probably start suspecting that you were pregnant. Well, I would have to say that this is pretty close to true for me. While several of my tops and dresses still fit, maternity or stretch bottoms are a must for comfort! Most of my friends and acquaintances still say that I am pretty small, but I definitely look pregnant.


Sarah Mae said...

Happy birthday!

And congrats on baby - so exciting!

Stephanie said...

Thank you! We are so excited :)!