Monday, March 2, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday- "If you don't look, you don't buy"

A good policy that works for me is "If you don't look, you don't buy". I have used this policy many times when Nathan and I are wanting to save up for something special or simply want to practice being content with what we have. If I don't go into stores like Hobby Lobby, TJ Max, Marshalls, Kirklands, or browse the clothing, craft, and home decor sections in any of my favorite stores, I don't spend money on things that I don't need. I have found that when I frequent these stores or any other place that is fun to shop, I can ALWAYS find something that I really want. The more I stay out of stores, the less likely I am to want or think that I need something.

Have you ever noticed how if you browse a store, you suddenly feel like you don't have much or really want this or that? You magically forget about all of the things that await you at home and suit you just fine. I know that I am blessed with the financial means to purchase far more than I need and I am thankful for being able to enjoy decorating, crafting, and fun new clothes. I just don't want to fall prey to this constant cycle of wanting.

I am not saying that it isn't okay to treat yourself or want something new. What I am speaking of is the way browsing suddenly makes us want. The problem is the motivation for wanting. So, if you find yourself in the same position (some of you may not ever have this problem), try out this policy for a week, a month, or maybe even a couple of months. It WORKS FOR ME.

On a side note, I have found that it also helps me to allow myself to want something, but to have to wait for it. If after a period of time (I often try to wait at least a month), I still really want the same items, I will make a plan to purchase just these items, not to browse the entire store.


"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. " (Philippians 4:12-13)

Not to fear.

To Pray.

To Trust.

To Have Peace.
