As most of you know, almost two weeks ago, I had an emergency appendectomy and was hospitalized for 4 days. I wanted to fill you all in on what occurred and let you know that all is well in our home!
I woke up on that Friday morning and stepped out of bed only to discover that I could not move. This was extremely unexpected considering I've had very minimal pain and sickness during this pregnancy. I was having excruciating pain on the right side of my lower abdomen and could not walk. After seeing my OB that morning, I was sent to the hospital immediately. The pain was absolutely excruciating! I was evaluated by 3 different doctors and they decided to do emergency surgery to remove my appendix. They said that if my appendix ruptured, it would kill the baby immediately and place my life in danger. We prayed and felt it could be my appendix and agreed that they should go forward with the surgery. I was nervous about being under anesthesia and the stress the surgery would put on the baby, but I continued to have peace. They removed my appendix around 5pm on Friday. I woke up from surgery in even more pain! At that point, they realized that there was something else causing me pain besides my appendix.
I literally could not walk for 2 days. I laid in a hospital bed in one position absolutely afraid to move because the pain was so intense. Finally on Saturday at 4:30am, I woke up and told Nathan I had to move because the pain was unbearable. I stood up for the first time on Saturday morning, but wasn't able to truly walk until Sunday. I walked to the restroom a few times Sunday and walked the halls Sunday night and Monday morning to prove that I could go home. I was released on Monday. I was so thankful to go home! Being away from Judah was the hardest part of all of this!!!
I was in so much pain for about 5 days, but the pain lessened each day. The doctors think that my appendix may have been infected, but that I also had a degenerative fibroid on my uterus that was causing excruciating pain and bleeding. Both have been extremely painful, but the doctors have assured us that neither will not seriously hurt me or the baby. At this point, they say that I will heal from the surgery and return to a very normal pregnancy and birth. The baby's heartbeat is strong and I feel sweet movement daily! I am so thankful that both baby and I are in good health! It may take me some time to fully recover, but knowing that so many other things could have been behind this pain makes me extremely grateful!
We are so thankful for all of our family and friends who have helped us during this time. My husband's bosses even flew my mother in the Sunday after the surgery to help us care for Judah. The doctors have asked me not to pick-up Judah for 2 weeks so I have needed a lot of help while Nathan is working. We have been blessed to be served by the body of Christ! I love to serve, but being served is always a struggle for me. I believe God used this time to show me the joy of being served! Thank you to everyone who has prayed for and cared for us during this time! God has been faithful to provide for us in every way! There have been nights when I wanted to look forward in fear, but God has drawn me nearer and asked me to once again trust in Him. The Lord is good, His mercies are new every morning!
We look forward to spending Christmas (and Judah's birthday) with family and friends. This time of year brings forth so many wonderful memories! I can remember being in labor with Judah on Christmas morning and thinking of Mary birthing Our Savior. Christ became even more real to me as I pictured Mary crying out to God as she brought forth His Son into the world. She birthed a living breathing babe much like the one I held in my arms after hours of labor. It's not that I didn't know these things, but birthing a child on this special day made it all so real to me!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. I pray it is a time that your entire family will reflect on Our Lord!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Posted by Stephanie at 9:09 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Almost Free Nursing Cover
I heard about this great deal and I just had to share it with you all! is offering a free nursing cover (you have to pay $9.95 for shipping) with the coupon code cousin2. I just ordered "jones". Isn't it lovely?
* I did not receive any money from for sharing this deal :). I just like to share a good deal!
Posted by Stephanie at 4:55 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Are you tired? Do you sometimes feel like being a wife and a mother is a thankless and exhausting job? There are times when I just want to scream, "but what about ME!" There are mornings when I feel so tired from Judah's frequent night wakings and the last thing I want to do is get up and cook for my family. I stand in the kitchen knowing that I have the choice to throw a pity party or ask God to give me the strength to serve my family on this day.
When we have these feelings, the world tells us that we just need to get some rest or have a little more "me time". Well, I would like to share a different message. One that I believe Jesus taught us oh so well! Check out this article that is chalked full of TRUTH!
" just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28
" Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Posted by Stephanie at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Biblical Womanhood, Homemaking
Monday, November 8, 2010
Family and Frist Trimester Updates
Family News
Nate turned the 31 on October 27th! He loves to tell everyone that your 30's are the prime of your life! I suspect he will say this for years to come :).I gave Nate and MarMar tickets to a Titans game for their birthdays. The Titans won the game and the guys loved every bit of it! The gift was a big hit.
MarMar is still working hard on his school work. He spends several hours a night doing homework, but he tells us all the time that all the hard work is worth it. He comes home every day and tells us how much he loves going to school. He loves to play and make us all laugh. He adds so much fun and excitement to our home!
Pregnancy Update
I am currently 14 weeks and loving it! I am so thankful to say that I've had minimal sickness during my first trimester. I've had mild nausea and pain, but nothing that deserves true complaint. I was very tired during the early weeks of pregnancy, but I feel like I am getting my energy back! Nathan and I had a horrible stomach bug the other week that left us so weak that we could hardly care for Judah (who was also sick with the bug the day before we got it). Thankfully, Granna came to our rescue! As I laid in bed sick at night, I thanked God for sparing me from horrible first trimester sickness that so many experience. I know that God will tenderly care for me and my family as I carry His child regardless of my physical comfort, but I thank him for my health today! I pray that I never minimize the gift of carrying a child in my womb. It is truly amazing!
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
his power, and the wonders he has done.
He decreed statutes for Jacob
and established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our ancestors
to teach their children,
so the next generation would know them,
even the children yet to be born,
and they in turn would tell their children.
Then they would put their trust in God
and would not forget his deeds
but would keep his commands."
Psalm 78:4-7
Posted by Stephanie at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Personal Updates, Pregnancy
Thursday, November 4, 2010
9 and 10 Months
* He reaches for us when we come towards him and loves to stand at our legs.
* He can stand up for a few seconds by himself! One day MarMar came home and told us Judah could stand up on his own. We both laughed because we didn't really think he could do it, but they put our chuckles to shame!
* He can walk along the couch, window, and chair (he still holds on very carefully). He loves to stand up at the low windows and look outside.
* He loves to talk and make noise! He mostly says mama, dada, baba, and screams when he gets excited or upset.
* He enjoys looking at and then tearing apart magazines and books. He plays so rough!
* He loves to shake objects and talk to them. His "conversations can get intense". He loves it when we get him interested in an object and then make him come and get it. He will crawl across us daddy over and over again trying to get his glasses.
* He learned how to throw things. Throwing balls and blocks get him lots of laughs, but we are trying to teach him not to throw his food.
* He is currently having a reflux flare, but overall his reflux has been controlled. Teething, sickness, and new foods still can cause him to be in pain for weeks. Please pray for healing!
* He is very determined!!! His body is strong and he doesn't let much stop him.
* He found out (he may not fully understand) that he is going to be a big brother in May!
* Judah is such a fun little boy. He brings so much joy to our lives!
I wish I had more pictures to share with you all but we haven't taken many pictures these past couple of months! I will try to take more this month!
Posted by Stephanie at 6:45 AM 1 comments
Labels: Judah Updates, Personal Updates
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Cloth Diapers: What Works for Us
When I was pregnant with Judah, I started to consider using cloth diapers. I felt a bit lost when I started to look at all of the options. It wasn't until I met a woman who actually cloth diapered that I felt confident enough to purchase my diapers. I was so thankful to talk to a real live cloth diapering mama! So, if you are considering cloth diapers, know that there is a real mama out there that is cloth diapering and loving it! There are a lot of great cloth diapering products out there, but here are the products that have worked for us...
FuzziBunz One Size Diapers
* These diapers do not provide for a slim fit, but if you aren't concerned about your baby looking slim on the bottom half, they save you a lot money because they grow with your baby. We purchased 16 diapers. As long as you wash daily, 16 should be plenty. We ordered our diapers from here, but I would get them from whoever is cheapest. Just watch for sales!
-As I mentioned before, I DO NOT recommend buying used diapers unless you can verify that they have been used and washed properly.
Mother of Eden Wipes
I have a total of about 20 wipes, but the Fuzzibunz wipes are my favorite. In the beginning, I just used cut up receiving blankets. They work just fine, but I would suggest sewing the edges or they will fray in the wash.
* Even if you choose not to cloth diaper, using cloth wipes is super easy and will save on waste and cash!
Wipes Warmer
Price Lionheart Warmer (Price Lionheart makes a great warmer, but their wipes are terrible!!!)
* It is important to place new wipes in your wipes warmer each day or they will get stinky! I usually wet the warmer pad and add new damp wipes each morning. It takes me less than a minute to refill my wipes!
Wipes Solution Recipe
I just make this solution and put it in a spray bottle. Before I use the wipes, I spray the wipe with the solution. This solution should last at least 3 weeks!
2 Tbsp. Natural Baby Wash
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
2 Cups of Water*
4 Drops of Tee Tree Oil
* Add the water first, then the other ingredients.
I bought a trash can with a lid and this pail liner
Diaper Rash Protection
You cannot use any diaper creams with cloth diapers, but I have found that coconut oil and Balmex Diaper Rash Powder effectively prevent diaper rash. If you need to make a paste so the powder stays on a particular area of the bum, you can always mix a little bit of coconut oil with the powder to create a paste.
* Fuzzibunz diapers are famous for keeping baby rash free. Thankfully, Judah has been rash free so far!
Washing Diapers and Wipes
All #2 diapers should be shaken off and sprayed off (no soaking is required). Pee diapers do not require any rinsing or soaking. They sell sprayers for the toilet, but you can also rinse them in the sink.
* They are cheapest on Ebay. Make sure you purchase one with metal attachments!
Use Charlie's soap! I do 1 cold rinse cycle, 1 hot wash cycle (using one scoop of charlies), and another cold rinse (if you have hard water, I suggest using Calgon) . I line dry everything to save energy (I use a small drying rack because clotheslines are not allowed in our subdivision), but you can dry the inserts in the dryer as long as you don't use any dryer sheets in your dryer. An added benefit to line drying the diapers is that the sun acts as both an antibacterial and stain remover! I use Grapefruit Seed Extract to disinfect the diapers about every 2 weeks. I add 4 drops of GSE to the hot wash cycle and add an extra cold rinse.
These diapers are super easy to clean and let me just say that I HAVE NEVER HAD A SINGLE STAIN ON ANY OF MY DIAPERS! Cleaning the diapers takes me less than 10 minutes a day. All you have to do is add diaper duties to your daily routine (like brushing your teeth).
More Questions
If you are having trouble deciding if you want to cloth diaper, I recommend the following articles. This article will tell you the benefits of cloth diapering. This article will tell you everything you need to know about cloth diapering. This second article will show you the financial benefits of using cloth diapers. If you are married to a big numbers guy, he will love the second article!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: Homemaking, Works For Me Wednesday
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Two, Three, Four, Five
It all started when two became one on September 26, 2008.
On December 25, 2009, God gave us an amazing Christmas gift, our first son.
In August of 2010, we discovered that our dear friend LaMarkus needed a place to stay during the week, so we opened our home and became the "Godparents" of an awesome 15 year old boy.
In September of 2010, we found out that we are expecting another sweet gift in May.
This is the story of how we went from a family of two to a family of five! We thank the Lord for entrusting us with these children! We are so unfit, but His grace is MORE THAN ENOUGH! We wait in anticipation for all He is going to do in us through these precious gifts!
Posted by Stephanie at 3:36 PM 3 comments
Labels: Personal Updates
Sunday, September 26, 2010
2 Wonderful Years
Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! Praise the Lord for the MANY ways that he has changed and molded us over the past two years. He has been so good and faithful to us. He is patiently teaching us His ways, which doesn't always mean that our life is "easy", but it does mean that our life is always good. The blessings that have been poured out on me as a result of God's faithfulness in our marriage is simply overwhelming! Each day, month, and year brings something new!
Nathan, I love you more and more each day. It is so awesome to see how God is molding and changing you. As I always say, in your very nature, you build me up! You are my Mr. Steady and I can't thank you enough for the ways you have held me over these years. Whether we are covered in spit-up and sleep deprived or dressed up on a nice dinner date, we know how to have fun! Thank you for making me laugh and smile every day. Thank you for standing firm in your convictions and working hard to provide for our family. Thank you for always seeing my role as a homemaker as valuable and worthy of sacrifice. Thank you for your constant support, grace, leading, and love. Being your wife is truly a gift!
I had to include this photo because it shows Nathan's nature. Nathan spent over 9 hours encouraging, holding, and praying for me as I birthed our son. He was so tender and caring the entire time. Here is Nathan holding, kissing, and speaking sweetly to me after Judah's birth. That is my husband- strong encourager, faithful supporter, tender lover, and loyal friend.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Marriage, Personal Updates
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
8 Months
* He enjoys playing by himself a lot more than he used to because his increased mobility allows him to explore everything around him. He is very curious!
* He loves to play hide and go seek with his daddy. He doesn't exactly crawl to find Nathan, but he can easily hear his voice and turn to where he hears him. Once he spots him, he giggles! It's so much fun to watch!
* He pulls up on everything! This new skill has resulted in a lot of new bumps and bruises. I am trying to teach him that some things are not safe to pull up on, but he is having a hard time grasping stability!
* He seems to enjoy going on walks/runs more than in the past! I wouldn't say that he loves his stroller now, but he is at least enjoying 20-45 minutes of walking/jogging on a fairly regular basis (and mommy is loving it too!).
* He is eating a few finger foods (all quickly dissolving). We are pretty sure he likes being able to eat on his own more than he likes the taste of these foods! We are still trying new foods with caution and are avoiding all acidic foods! We are so thankful that his reflux has remained stable (a few flares here and there, but nothing major) for yet another month! We continue to pray that Judah will be healed of his reflux as he grows older.
* He has his two bottom front teeth!
* He loves to splash around in water. When he takes a bath in the sink, he splashes about half of the water out of the bath. He really enjoys going to the pool, but any small tub of water makes him laugh!
* He only likes to be read to if he can see the readers face! It's so much fun to sit him on the floor and make silly faces as I read to him. He definitely likes to look at my face more than he likes to look at the book!
* He was able to spend some quality time with his Grandma, Unlcle Trinity, Aunt Carley, nephew Kolton, and niece Kadence earlier this month! They drove all the way from Nebraska to spend time with us. We played lots of games, went swimming, and even went for a short hike on the mountain. He had so much fun with all of them! *GRANDMA- we need your pictures from the trip!
* He is such a gift! I am so thankful to be able to spend my days caring for him and helping his daddy.
Posted by Stephanie at 2:28 PM 1 comments
Labels: Judah Updates, Personal Updates
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
All Things Baby: Might I Recommend
When I was pregnant with Judah, I loved when other moms gave me recommendations and tips! Now that I am a mom, I want to be sure to pass on what has worked for our family! I realize that everyone has a preference when it comes to raising babes, but these are some products that I have really enjoyed so far.
Many of these recommended products are far from "necessities". If you are trying to get ready for baby and you don't have a large budget, do not fret! Many women have raised babies with little to no equipment or special products. I read a great article on baby essentials here. If you are wondering how to balance all the baby "must-haves", I suggest you read this article! My advice is to shop wisely and know that you do not have to purchase every baby product/toy you see at the store! Chances are, your baby will be just fine without them!
* I've included links for these products, but I am in no way suggesting that you should purchase the products from these links. I simply included the links so that you could see the products.
Baby Carrier
I have loved wearing my baby! He enjoys the comfort of being close to me and I enjoy being able to use my hands! The Moby Wrap has given me the freedom to go anywhere! It is easy to put on and can be worn all day. I have worn Judah in it for up to 4 hours without any back pain. It is by far my favorite baby carrier (and I have used 5 different styles of carriers).
* I've seen used moby wraps on Ebay. Just make sure they come from a smoke and pet free environment.
Bumbo Seat
We take this seat EVERYWHERE! It is pricey, but I have seen several on craigslist!
* Buy used!
Boppy Pillow
I wouldn't buy one of these brand new, but I loved sitting on this after I gave birth. It's sold as a nursing pillow, but I quickly discovered that I liked it for my bottom more than I liked it for nursing.
* Buy used or ask a friend if you can borrow hers.
Fuzzi Bunz Cloth Diapers and Wipes
I am working on another post that provides all of the details on our cloth diapers, but let me just say that they are SUPER EASY! Don't count these out until you get more information!
* I do not suggest buying used diapers unless you can verify that they have been used and WASHED properly!
Simple Clothing
I like sleepers with zippers, onsies, and lots of cotton clothing. For the most part, I like to dress Judah in comfy clothes that are easy to take on and off! Before you purchase something for your baby (especially your 0-6 month old), think about how practical it will be to take it on and off several times for diaper changes! Then, think of how difficult it will be to keep it clean! Also, If you plan to wash frequently, you don't need a large quantity of clothing. If you have enough clothes to rotate through the wash, you have plenty!
* Thrift stores and Consignment sales are a great place to find lightly used clothing, but I highly recommend washing all used clothing with soap and a cup of vinegar!
Changing Station
Instead of purchasing a changing table, we simply purchased an inexpensive changing pad and placed it on a dresser. A changing table would be nice, but this works just as well and grows with your baby.
This Born Free teether is really simple, but babies love it! It was recommended by a friend of mine and I would highly recommend it to you all!
Coconut Oil
I use coconut oil to prevent diaper rash, clear up baby eczema, and to keep Judah's skin nice and baby soft! A jar of this oil goes a long way!
Homeopathic Meds
Teething Tablets
I was skeptical at first, but they actually work great!
Natural Antibacterial/Anti-fungal
I recommend tee tree oil, grapefruit seed extract, and/or colloidal silver (I use the Sovereign Silver brand). These can be used to treat the whole family! I have used them to treat everything from breast infections to an ear infection. Do a little research and you find that these products can be used for almost ANYTHING!
* has great prices on these products!
Charlie's Soap
Charlie's is an all natural soap that is gentle enough for baby skin, but also tough enough to clean most stains. I buy Charlie's by the gallon bucket. One tablespoon is enough to clean a large load of laundry so it goes a long way. It also safe on cloth diapers!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Baby Stuff
Monday, July 26, 2010
7 Months
- He is so close to crawling, but still hasn't coordinated his hands and feet yet. He gets up on his hands and knees and pushes himself to get where he wants to go. He can move across an entire room!
- He loves to hear his own voice. He is making a lot of new sounds here lately!
- He has so much fun playing on the floor with a few toys. Now that he can sit up really well, he is enjoying lots of floor time.
- He likes eating sweet potatoes and squash. We are trying new solid foods with caution!
- He is such a smiley boy! It is getting easier and easier to make him smile.
- He can sit in a highchair now.
- He is still showing signs of teething, but I still don't see any teeth. ***UPDATE: I just felt his first tooth tonight (07/26)!
- He took his first airplane ride to Nebraska to see my family. He did great in the airplane. We may have a future traveler on our hands!
- He helped surprise his grandma on her 50th birthday! She didn't know we were coming to Nebraska so it was a big surprise she she arrived at her surprise party and we were all there!
- He laughs when we play silly games with him! His laugh is one of the sweetest sounds! When I hear it, I can't help but thank God for giving him to us.
- He loves to be around other kids! He was so happy playing with all of his cousins in Nebraska. We miss them so much!
He had so much fun hanging out with his Uncle Trinity in Nebraska. Judah loved looking at all of his deer!
- He went on his first work trip with daddy to Atlanta, GA. He got to meet several of Nathan's clients and and all of them thought he looked just like Nathan (I agree!).
- Judah's health has been great this month! Praise God for a baby who enjoys eating again!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Judah Updates, Personal Updates
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Completing Him Challenge: My Husband Rocks
I am still making this challenge a priority, but I have fallen behind on telling you all about it.
Two weeks ago the Marriage challenge was: Admire Your Husband. If you are a blogger write a post all about your husband and what you admire in him and then show it to him! He will smile!
I struggled writing this post because I felt like I couldn't write a "quick post" that adequately explains how much I admire my husband. I quickly realized that nothing I could write could adequately praise my husband. Showing him love and admiration is something I need to do daily!!! One little blog post just isn't enough. In an effort to manage my time, I am just going to share with you 10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT MY HUSBAND.
1- He prays for me and and Judah daily! He loves God and wants us to love Him too!
2- He is a hands-on daddy! He gets so much joy from playing with and caring for Judah. He will comfort Judah in the wee hours of the morning and still wake up happy! He is always telling me how much fun he has with me and Judah. I am so thankful that he feels this way.
3- He works hard so that I can be a stay at home mom. He values me being a homemaker! He has a passion for raising children and is willing to "sacrifice" some of the things we thought we wanted in life!
4- He can have fun anywhere! He has just as much fun at home as he does on a beach vacation.
5- He is honest and loyal!
6- He strives to let me know how much he loves and appreciates me. The other day, a package arrived on the door step with my name on it. I was shocked to see my name (Nathan buys and sells stuff on ebay on the side so I am used to getting packages daily, but they always have his name on them) so I opened it quickly. Inside was a heart shaped necklace and a letter thanking me for taking care of him and Judah. He had ordered the necklace and had it shipped to our house so that I would get the package during the day while I was caring for Judah!
7- He is a great financial manager. Nathan is so smart when it comes to buying and selling on ebay, investing, budgeting, and finding deals on everything (He is known as a deal finder!)! He always impresses me with his latest deal!
8- He enjoys spending time with the kids from LVM! He loves to wrestle with them or teach them something practical. Whether the kids are cutting grass or swimming with him, they are having fun!
9- He loves his family! It is so awesome to hear him talk about his granddaddy being a "real man" and the tenderness of his grandmother. He admires each one of his family members.
10- In his very nature, he encourages me daily! He comes home happy and chooses not to worry. He is a steady man! He is not easily angered and is quick to forgive! He shows me the kind of love God spoke of in 1 Corinthians 13:3-5.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Marriage
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Update: 6 Months
- He loves solid food, especially sweet potatoes! We have decided that Judah was more than ready for solids. He acts so excited when you feed him anything with a spoon!
He loves taking a bath in the sink. I am so glad he can still fit in the sink! A sink bath is so easy. I know he is about to outgrow it, but for now it is just the right size.
- He thinks he is a big boy. He isn't crawling yet, but he can move! He is so strong and uses all of his muscles to get where he wants to go. He can push himself from one end of the bed to the other and will easily jump out of our arms if we are not careful!
- He loves to stand. For the most part, he is much happier when he is upright! He loves to walk around in his exersaucer.
He is very close to sitting up! He still topples over without a little support, but he is going to be sitting up on his own very soon.
- He jumped from less than the 3rd percentile in weight to the 50th percentile in about a month and a half! We went back to the Ped GI this week and he was so impressed with Judah's growth. He told us to continue Judah's reflux treatment because it was obviously working! Judah is still a big dream feeder and struggles with his reflux, but he has come a long way! At this time, the Dr.'s are suggesting that we just continue to try to control the reflux and wait on any of the invasive procedures that they were previously suggesting. Praise God!
- His grandmother, grand-daddy, and uncle Tim moved to town! They are only a couple of blocks away so Judah will be able to spend lots of time with them. We are so thankful that they will be able to watch Judah grow!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Judah Updates, Personal Updates
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Completing Him Challenge: Pray for Him
This week the "completing him challenge" is to pray for your husband daily. Ask your husband each morning for any specific prayer request he has for the day. Print out the list below and pray through it daily!
30. His Future

I know that God wants us to bring all of our requests before Him! Praying for Nathan is one of the most important things that I can do for him, so it needs to be a priority to me! I hope this serves as a reminder to pray for him daily.
Please join me this week by devoting to praying for your husband daily!
James 5:16
Posted by Stephanie at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Completing Him Challenge: Our Wedding Day


Nathan and I were married on a gorgeous September day in front of our closest family and friends. We stood barefoot in a historic church with no bathroom or A/C and vowed to stay together "until death do us part". I would love to tell you all of the details of this unforgettable day, but time does not allow. However, I would like to share with you all a couple of moments from our wedding day that I pray I will never forget!
- The joy that I felt when I looked at my groom as I walked down the aisle. I shed tears of joy as I thanked God for allowing me to marry this man! I remember how clearly I felt God's grace that day. I knew that I was undeserving of the many gifts in my life, but understood that Christ gave them to me freely. I pray that I will always see Nathan as a gift!

- The gusto with which I said the final line of my vows, "I promise to do you good and not harm all the days of my life." I knew that was a big promise that I would have to depend on God in order to keep! During the tough times, I am often reminded of these very words. I know that doing Nathan "good" is a choice that I often fail to do, but I pray that I will never stop asking God to give me the strength to do Nathan good all the days of his life! I know that when I love my husband as God commands, it is sweet worship to Him!
The commitment we made to live a life of servanthood to God! We washed each others feet to symbolize our desire to serve one another and those around us! I pray we do not forget this commitment to willingly serve one another!

Some of my favorite pictures from our special day...




Posted by Stephanie at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Biblical Womanhood, Marriage