Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! Praise the Lord for the MANY ways that he has changed and molded us over the past two years. He has been so good and faithful to us. He is patiently teaching us His ways, which doesn't always mean that our life is "easy", but it does mean that our life is always good. The blessings that have been poured out on me as a result of God's faithfulness in our marriage is simply overwhelming! Each day, month, and year brings something new!
Nathan, I love you more and more each day. It is so awesome to see how God is molding and changing you. As I always say, in your very nature, you build me up! You are my Mr. Steady and I can't thank you enough for the ways you have held me over these years. Whether we are covered in spit-up and sleep deprived or dressed up on a nice dinner date, we know how to have fun! Thank you for making me laugh and smile every day. Thank you for standing firm in your convictions and working hard to provide for our family. Thank you for always seeing my role as a homemaker as valuable and worthy of sacrifice. Thank you for your constant support, grace, leading, and love. Being your wife is truly a gift!
I had to include this photo because it shows Nathan's nature. Nathan spent over 9 hours encouraging, holding, and praying for me as I birthed our son. He was so tender and caring the entire time. Here is Nathan holding, kissing, and speaking sweetly to me after Judah's birth. That is my husband- strong encourager, faithful supporter, tender lover, and loyal friend.
4 days ago
ok, your going to make me cry-thank you Jesus! may they know their oneness more and more.
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