Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Works for me Wednesday- A Good Challenge

I really enjoy a good challenge! Whether it is training for a race or working on a weakness, I like to feel as though I am constantly improving. It is very easy to become complacent and comfortable (VERY EASY), so taking on a good challenge in order to keep growing works for me! This week, I came across an awesome challenge hosted by called the 30-day Husband Encouragement Challenge for Wives.

I think it is important for us ladies to take the time to encourage one another to love and serve our husbands. We have a high calling from the King to be "help meets" to our husbands and this is not always an easy position. Much like the many other areas of our lives, it is easy for us to stop "working on" our marriages. It is always helpful for me to be challenged by other women to continue to love Nathan in the way that God intended. This week, if you are a wife, I encourage you to take the 30-day challenge for wives. If you are not a wife, I encourage you to challenge one of your weaknesses with biblical truth and daily practice for 30 days. It works for me!

"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." (Hebrews 3:13)


Courtney said...

thank you for posting this-i just downloaded the pdf so be praying for me and I seek to bless my husband. i haven't read it yet but will try to tomorrow.