Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday- Morning Routine

Keeping a morning routine "works for me". While I do not follow my exact routine each and every morning (flexibility and prioritizing is also important), I do my best to follow it "most" mornings (usually Monday through Friday). The more closely I follow my morning routine, the better start I have to my day. It has taken me some time to figure out what routine works best for me, but now I am at a point where I really enjoy my routine. I realize that as with most routines, it will change over the months and years, but I think it is important to continue to have a routine so that we get our (and our family's) days off to the right start.

This morning routine is what works for me at this time in my life.
Elements of my morning routine:
- First to Rise. At this time in my life, I do not having to get up at 5am to do this, but I realize this could and probably will change. I think it is important for me to be the first one up so that I can take time for myself and be ready to serve my family when they wake. In order to be the first one to rise, it is very important for me to go to bed on time. The later I stay up, the harder it is to start my day right.

- Physical Exercise. Exercise fights stress and keeps my body healthy. I currently do not have a gym membership, so my main forms of exercise are running, walking, lifting weights, and exercise videos. Nate usually joins me a few times a week, which makes it even better. I try to be reasonable as to the length of my work-outs. Usually, 25-40 minutes works best for me.

- Prepare breakfast for my Family. I prepare the same simple breakfast and COFFEE (a must have) almost every morning. Once a month or so, I will buy something special like OJ or bagels instead of toast. I don't try to change the whole breakfast, I just switch out one element of the breakfast. I also try to do something different for breakfast on Saturdays.
-Plan for dinner. I check my menu plan and if I didn't prep a part of our planned meal the night before, I prep some of it in the morning.

- Clean-up any dishes from the night before and breakfast. Do a "quick" (like 5 minute) sweep of the house before I leave to make sure the house is semi-presentable (I don't try to clean my entire house, I just try to make it look tidy). Once or twice a week, this includes placing a load of laundry in the washer or dryer.
- Self Care. Shower, brush my teeth, do my hair, etc.

- Time of prayer!!!!!!!

Getting up on time is key (which is usually the hardest part)! I try to get up on time so that I have plenty of time to carry out my morning routine. If the routine is rushed, it is harder to be joyful and follow my routine. I try to keep this in mind when I am tempted to hit the snooze button :).

Start a morning routine:
If you do not currently have a morning routine, I encourage you to start trying to create a routine that works for you!

#1- Decide what elements you would like to have in your routine.
#2- Decide what time you will need to wake-up in order to joyfully carry out your routine.
#3- Make a time schedule (mine has a good 10 minute flex in it) foCheck Spellingr all of the elements. If you have children, this will include working around their needs and schedules, which will require more flex time.
#4- Practice carrying out your routine and make adjustments until it works for you.

"She rises also while it is still night and gives food to her household and portions to her maidens." (Prov. 31: 15)

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might... " (Ecclesiastes 9:10)
We serve a MIRACULOUS GOD! He is moving mountains...
We just returned from a long weekend trip in Orlando, Florida where both Nathan and I were able to be a part of the wedding of two of our close friends! It was great being able to witness and celebrate their marriage with them. I will have to share pictures with you all soon. Their wedding was gorgeous. We continue to pray for Steve and Sarah's marriage.


Sarah Grice said...

Cute! I just saw this. Thanks for coming. Love you guys!