Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Works for me Wednesday- Simplify

Simplicity is truly grand! The more I learn about how to do more with less, the more empowered I am to escape from a society that is so MONEY driven. I am thankful for the ladies that continue to share their simple way of life with me. I have always enjoyed saving money (some would say that I am, well, cheap)-- it isn't uncommon for Nathan or I to smile from ear to ear as we tell each other (or anyone else that will listen) about our latest money saving deal, but living a simple life isn't just about being cheap. A simple life opens the doors to multiple blessings, not just financial. Truth is, I probably don't even truly grasp the idea of "a simple life", but I am willing to learn and to share with others the bits and pieces that I have learned. I want to pass these simple tips onto others because these seemingly small bits of information have spurred me to dig into the word to find truth and have brought myself and Nathan true joy! What can I say, I'm the kind of lady that does cartwheels over finding out that a box of 50 cent baking soda can unclog a drain like that of an expensive and harsh container of Drano. I'm the kind of lady that feels warm inside when I type the word lady to describe myself...ha ha ha. It's the simple things in life that "work for me".

Ten ways I simplified (many are a work in progress):
1- No cable tv and cutting back on tv watching (stay with me-- I should have put this one last, I know it is a touchy subject ;). We all have our vices, this is harder for some than it is for others. I rarely miss it.
2- Eating out less.
3- Significantly cut back on recreational shopping (including online browsing). Remember, "If you don't look, you won't buy".
4- Stop reading magazines (and watching programs) that encourage women to focus on possessions and beauty. For me, this included all of the lovely advertisements that come my way via mail and email. I've decided that I need to hear and see "the voice of truth" more often! I'm weak and sometimes it's easier for me to eliminate the things that cause me to struggle.
5- Meal planning and cooking simple meals. I learned from my mother that a good meal doesn't have to be extravagant. While it is sometimes fun to cook large or "fancy" meals at times, the majority of the time I try to keep it easy.
6- Going to bed early and getting up early. If I go to bed early, then it is not as difficult for me to get up early and get my day off to the right start!
7- Using less paper products (paper towels, napkins, paper plates, paper cups, zip lock bags, trash bags, etc.). It helps the environment and saves us money! There are alternatives to using these products "most" of the time. My in-laws pick on me (in a sweet way) for using my plastic walmart bags as trash bags, but it's worth it to me.
8- Letting go of "having" to wear the latest trends. This is a tough one, but I am learning to develop a classic style. The less I shop, the easier this is for me.
9- Buying used items or items that can be reused, shopping the clearance section, and using what I have. This pertains to household items, decor, food, clothing, etc.
10- Finding (sometimes you have to search for it) joy in the simple everyday occurrences. Expecting less of myself and less of others! This has a lot to do with me laying down my self-entitlements.
* I could name at least 10 more, but I think I will stop here.
I plan to try to explain the benefits of each of these ten items in the next couple of weeks. They truly have made a difference in our lives (some more than others, of course) and I would like to share them in more detail with you all, so if you are interested, check back for details on how to SIMPLIFY. It works for me!
Ten Simple Pleasures-
1- Lighting a good smelling candle or boiling a few citrus peels! If I've had a rough day, a soothing scent and a few deep breaths in my nose and out my mouth can set me straight.
2- A nice hot bath.
3- Keeping a prayer journal. Writing is very powerful for me because I need constant reminders. When thoughts are in writing, it is hard to deny what you once felt, learned, and saw resolved.
4- Serving left overs! A nice break that decreases waste.
5- Playing a board game or cards with my love and/or the kids- turning the tv and computers OFF!
6- Listening to calming worship or chill music.
7- Using what I have, but in a new way. This could be the use of a picture frame in a new location, making a gift or a new decor piece from items found in my home, or wearing an old top in a new way.
8- Having friends over for dinner or maybe just a brownie. Phone conversations with dear friends or family from afar.
9- Reading and writing!!!
10- Walking, running, or working outside on a nice day. Feeling the breeze on a sunny day rocks!
"...That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed" (Titus 2:4-5).
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2).