Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Family Fun

This weekend, we had the pleasure of having my mother, "grandmother", and my God-Son (a total surprise) stay with us from Thursday to Monday. Most of my family lives all the way in Nebraska, so it is a real treat when we are able to spend time with each other. They drove over 15 hours (in horrible storms I might add) in order to spend this time with us, so we tried to enjoy every minute. I am SO thankful that we had this time with them.

Most of you know that my mother and I have a special relationship. She is a very strong woman. She supports my independence, but is always there when I need advice and encouragement. She is a prayer warrior and faith-driven encourager. I appreciate who she is and the constant support she provides Nathan and I. It's hard not to wish that she lived closer. I miss her so much.
These videos are of the boys playing together on Friday. Nathan is the one providing the commentary on the video...he is so funny. He was so great this weekend! He spent a lot of time with D and the boys so that us ladies could do "girl" stuff. The boys went fishing, played tons of kickball, rode bikes/scooters, and made a ramp for them to do "tricks" on for hours. Thanks for allowing us this time Nathan! You are a gem.
I used to take care of Dillon (D) when he was just a baby. He was my little buddy, I took him everywhere. He is 11 now and looks like he is going to out grow me very soon. I am proud of D. He is doing great in school and is a very respectful little man. He lives in California now, but begged to travel with my mother to see me during his spring break.
After kick-ball, we played putt-putt with Nathan's nephew, Ty. Grandma and I had fun watching the boys and mom duke it out.
Whenever we play kick ball, instead of using the gate and walking around to get a "long ball", Nathan just throws one of the boys over the fence :). Classy!

After dinner, we played a competitive game of kick-ball. A real family affair :).

On Saturday, we invited Nathan's family over for a small feast.
My biological grandparents passed away when I was young, so Grandma Dorothy has been acting as my grandma for years. She is such an example to me of a Godly wife and a mother. For years, I watched her joyfully serve Grandpa Elmer and her family. I then watched as she lost her husband (they married when she was only 16) and instead of falling into a pit of depression (as I am sure would have been easy), she stood strong on God's promises and looked to God for comfort. I know that I can always go to her for Godly advice on home keeping, parenting, and being a wife. I am thankful for her presence in my life.

P.S. Cooking with my mother and grandmother is fabulous! I felt like I could feed an army with them by my side.


The VanZoerens said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed your time with your family! What a blessing it was for them to be able to visit :)