*It seems as though my belly doubled in size from week 22 to week 24. It might have been all of the tasty cruise food I ate during week 23 ;).
*I am definitely noticeably pregnant at this point and have experienced an increase in comments and questions about my pregnancy from complete strangers.
* Bending over has become more of a challenge (I am sure that as I get bigger, this will become even more difficult), but I am still able to walk hills (I am definitely moving slower) and lift light weights. I am thankful that I am still able to enjoy light exercise.
* I have days where I notice that I am very hungry, but other days my hunger level seems about normal. I just try to eat according to my hunger.
Time seems to be passing so quickly. It is so exciting to think that baby Judah will be joining our family in just 14 short weeks! We continue to pray that God will fully equip us for parenthood.
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