We have enjoyed so many great days since my last updates! Since I waited so long to give you all an update, I will simply try to give you all a few highlights from the past couple of weeks. I know I am going to leave some things out.
*I hope you all had a fabulous Easter (I know this is a bit late)! Last Friday, our church held an awesome Good Friday service. The music was rockin' (seriously) and the message was bold! It was such a special night for us and our church family to reflect on the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. I don't think that I will ever fully grasp the love that God's has for me. He gave his one and only Son to die on a cross for ME! It is truly unmeasurable and incomprehensible!
* We spent Easter with Nathan's family and the children. Nate's parents were kind enough to let us all join them for a wonderful lunch. It was a beautiful day outside so we enjoyed a fun game of wiffle ball before lunch. Earlier in the week, we (at the Linc) died Easter eggs, had an Easter egg hunt, and reflected on the meaning of Easter with the children. I was surprised to find out that many of our children do not celebrate Easter every year (unlike Christmas, which most of them celebrate yearly).
* We only have 3 more weeks at The Linc. We can hardly believe that this school year is almost over. The kids have made SO much progress (academically, behaviorally, and emotionally)! We have been blessed tremendously by the presence of these children in our lives. I am so thankful that they have so many people who continue to show them the love of Christ. Please continue to pray for the children!

* We are not sure how I will be spending my summer at this point, but we know there are going to be some changes. I hope to be able to spend it with the children, but as I have mentioned before, I need to complete 600 internship hours this summer (to complete my speciality for my Master's), so if they don't allow me to complete the hours with Lincoln Village Ministries, I will not be able to be with them over the summer. I am waiting to hear back from my internship professor regarding her decision. Pray about that as well!!!
* Two of our boys competed in a gymnastics competition this Saturday to compete for a place at Nationals. Jeremiah will for sure be attending Nationals, while Derrick will need to travel to another competition to try to earn his place. It was so much fun watching them tumble. Several people from our church came out to support them, which made them feel very special. We were very proud of the patience and discipline that they showed at the competition. The video below is of Jeremiah tumbling.
* Nathan and I have really been enjoying the nice weather. A couple weeks ago, we planted some new flowers in the front of our house and freshened up our back porch. We both enjoy spending time outside when it is nice, so we have been running, spending time in the yard, and eating dinner outside more. This is such a great time of year!
What's better than eating homemade wheat pizza for dinner? Eating homemade pizza outside on a nice day with my dear husband!
Nate purchased these nice utility shelves for the garage (courtesy of slickdeals.net). An organized garage rocks!
Have a fabulous week!
I love your outdoor furniture!!! Where did you get it?
Who is anonymous? We purchased the set from home depot. It is really comfortable :)!
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