Monday, December 8, 2008

There is only 1 reason why I would wear a man suit (a.k.a. Tux) ... Love for my Brother

This weekend Nathan and I traveled to Nebraska (with walking pneumonia I might add...another story in and of itself) to be a part of my oldest brothers wedding! He is the last of my siblings to get married. All 4 of us got married in the past 16 months, so we we were super excited to experience the final wedding for the Foreman family! They had a very traditional wedding in the Lutheran church in Syracuse, Nebraska. The ceremony and reception were fabulous! We had a great time hanging out with the whole family! My mom, Nathan, and I even each got a one hour massage from my aunt Deb who owns a spa in was wonderful! The kids were SO much fun. I miss them SO SO much! More pictures to come of us and the lovely kidos.

I am very happy that Mark and Rachelle found one another and I continue to pray for their marriage!

As some of you may have guessed, my brother asked my sister and I to be his "bestwomen". Whil a tux wouldn't be my first pick, it really didn't matter because it was his day and no one really cared what we looked like anyway! Once we got over the whole tie and vest thing, we actually had a great time in them. We laughed most of the day!

"Bestwomen"- yes, people were very confused!
Me and my brothers new baby, Colton.

This is more like us. Odd enough.

Nate was such a big helper all weekend. He is the man!

Rachelle, Mark, and my mom. Her dress was very pretty!My mom and baby Colton (we had to put his PJ's on him at the reception, he got really sleepy.)