Wednesday, August 25, 2010

8 Months

8 Months

* He can crawl across a room so fast! When we put him on the floor, he is on his hands and knees in a flash. He also wakes up and immediately goes into crawling position. He loves to MOVE!

* He enjoys playing by himself a lot more than he used to because his increased mobility allows him to explore everything around him. He is very curious!

* He loves to play hide and go seek with his daddy. He doesn't exactly crawl to find Nathan, but he can easily hear his voice and turn to where he hears him. Once he spots him, he giggles! It's so much fun to watch!

* He pulls up on everything! This new skill has resulted in a lot of new bumps and bruises. I am trying to teach him that some things are not safe to pull up on, but he is having a hard time grasping stability!

* He seems to enjoy going on walks/runs more than in the past! I wouldn't say that he loves his stroller now, but he is at least enjoying 20-45 minutes of walking/jogging on a fairly regular basis (and mommy is loving it too!).

* He is eating a few finger foods (all quickly dissolving). We are pretty sure he likes being able to eat on his own more than he likes the taste of these foods! We are still trying new foods with caution and are avoiding all acidic foods! We are so thankful that his reflux has remained stable (a few flares here and there, but nothing major) for yet another month! We continue to pray that Judah will be healed of his reflux as he grows older.

* He has his two bottom front teeth!

* He loves to splash around in water. When he takes a bath in the sink, he splashes about half of the water out of the bath. He really enjoys going to the pool, but any small tub of water makes him laugh!

* He only likes to be read to if he can see the readers face! It's so much fun to sit him on the floor and make silly faces as I read to him. He definitely likes to look at my face more than he likes to look at the book!

* He was able to spend some quality time with his Grandma, Unlcle Trinity, Aunt Carley, nephew Kolton, and niece Kadence earlier this month! They drove all the way from Nebraska to spend time with us. We played lots of games, went swimming, and even went for a short hike on the mountain. He had so much fun with all of them! *GRANDMA- we need your pictures from the trip!

* He is such a gift! I am so thankful to be able to spend my days caring for him and helping his daddy.

* Nate took all of the photos of Judah in the gray linen suit. He even used his tripod to get a few family pics! He is so talented!


Courtney said...

those are amazing pictures! what a sweet blessing! I know you are just sharing your heart but it is also such an encouragement to others including me.