Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Picture Story: 6 Months

Six months have passed since I last wrote. If I had limitless time, I could write a book (okay at least a short story) on all that God is teaching me and all God has been doing in our little family. But time is a precious and today there are diapers to change, clothes to wash, and souls to train. God has shown me that in this season, these three boys and my husband are my ministry. There are days when it is hard to see just how valuable this season truly is, but God is always faithful to remind me of His purpose. He is gentle and loving on the days when I'm sleepy and the to do list is long and the children are needy. He rejuvenates me on days like today when we spend the morning playing and the children take an extra long nap. He reminds me over and over again that HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peace: Jonah Alan's Birth Story

*This is the birth story of our second born Jonah Alan. It wanted to write my chiildrens' birth stories not only so that I could share our experience with family and friends, but also so that I would have a detailed account of these amazing days! It is my hope that myself and others will look back on this day and know that we serve a powerful, gracious, and loving Father.

Jonah Alan arrived on May 20, 2011 at 7:15pm. He weighed 7.15 and was 20.5 inches long.

It's funny how you think you have some idea of when your child will enter the world. For weeks I felt certain that Jonah would come any night. I was convinced that I would go to sleep one night (after about 36 weeks) and wake up in labor. I made sure that all of our bags were packed before going to bed. I would usually wake up around 1am with Braxton Hicks contractions and wonder if this could be the night. This birth taught be that only God knows the number of our days! I was exactly 4 days past my estimated due date when Jonah was born.

May 20th was a special day for us because that morning we attended our niece's kindergarten graduation. I was so thankful to be able to attend this special occasion with the rest of the family. Nathan's sister and I were certain that I wouldn't see Tess graduate because I would be at home with Jonah. God had other plans. We all watched proudly as Tess walked across the stage and then we enjoyed a meal together. After lunch, I went to see my OB. He checked me and determined that I was 5cm dilated and 85% effaced. (I had been progressively dilating since 36 weeks and was 4cm on Monday). Progressively dilating prior to birth was an answered prayer.

That afternoon, I played outside with Judah, Nate, and MarMar. It seemed like I might be having some contractions, but they were very mild so I figured they would go away like they had many times before. At about 4:00 pm Nate and MarMar went for a run and Judah and I walked behind them. As I walked, it seemed like the contractions were continuing, but they were painless so I kept walking. About 15 minutes into the walk, I stopped to chat with a neighbor and realized the contractions may be coming consistently. I told my neighbor this could be the day and decided to walk home. Nate and MarMar met me at the house and I told Nate that I might be going into labor. We all stood outside and timed MarMar while he did sprints in front of the house. As he sprinted, I noticed once again that it seemed like the contractions were coming consistently. I told Nate that I was pretty sure I was in labor, but I was probably in the early stages of labor because the contractions were not strong. At about 4:30 pm, I called a friend to ask her if she could come watch Judah if I went into labor. After I talked to her, I decided that we should go inside and try to time my contractions. Timing my contractions was rather difficult because Judah was wanting attention. We timed a total of 2 contractions and realized they were only about 4 minutes apart. I knew I was definitely in labor now and told Nathan we should start to get our things ready. I called my friend back at 4:45 pm and told her that I was for sure in labor and asked her to come as soon as she could to help care for Judah while I labored at home. She said she couldn't be there for about 45 minutes. At that time, I knew my contractions were close together, but I was certain that I wasn't that far into my labor because my contractions felt strong but they were not painful.

I called my doula and she told me that I seemed very calm, but she felt that Jonah could come fast. I told her I wanted to get in the tub. She advised that I get in the tub but not stay at home longer than an hour because my contractions seemed pretty close together and I was 5 cm dilated earlier that day. We had only timed a couple more contractions because we were busy making necessary phone calls and caring for Judah. Thankfully Nate's mother came over to help us with Judah around 5:00 pm. I laid on the birthing ball and prayed for wisdom and peace while Nathan prepared the bathtub and helped me time contractions. The contractions were coming about 3 to 4 minutes apart, but I was so calm and wasn't in pain so I went ahead and got in the bathtub. I was so excited to get in the tub because I enjoyed intimate time with the Lord while I was laboring in the tub with Judah. After only 5 minutes in the tub, Nathan started feeling like we really needed to go to the hospital. I wasn't sure, but I finally felt a very strong contraction that told me we needed to go to the hospital. I prayed that we would know when to go to the hospital and He answered. When I got out of the tub, I realized that I may be farther into the labor process than I thought because I needed Nate to help me get dressed. I started to have a great sense of urgency for getting to the hospital, but God continued to give me peace. As we were driving, we tried to time the contractions and realized they were coming 1-2 minutes apart. I was clearly in transition, but I continued to thank God for progressing my labor and prayed that He would keep us at peace. Nathan continued to reassure me of God's peace and told me over and over again that this is all for a purpose and we would meet Jonah soon. His peace wafted over me when I would feel a strong contraction. I told myself with each contraction that it was simply my body tightening in order for us to meet Jonah. As we approached the off ramp for the interstate, we found ourselves in a major traffic jam. Without hesitation, Nathan jumped the curb and drove our van straight up the raised median and into the emergency lane. We both laughed when he jumped the curb, but inside I think we knew this move was made out of necessity.

We arrived at the hospital at around 6:15pm. A nurse started to ask me the usual admittance questions, but she quickly realized that the baby was going to come quick because I had to pause her at least three times within the first two questions. The nurses seemed a little nervous as they quickly showed us to our room (it was the same room I delivered Judah in!). My contractions were coming one after the other and they were strong, but I was still not in any pain and I felt very calm. I was tempted to start to fear because all the labor preparations were happening so fast, but God's peace prevailed. A tenderhearted nurse came in the room and introduced herself. She explained that she had laryngitis and couldn't talk loudly, but she was not contagious. I laughed and later told her that I had prayed for a peaceful nurse, but I didn't know that would mean she would be so sick that her voice had to stay calm. Her calm presence and supportive spirit was an answer to prayer! She checked me and told me I was 9cm dilated and my bag of water was bulging. I was elated! I thanked God over and over again for such a quick labor (another answer to prayer). I knew he was in total control of my labor! My doula arrived about twenty minutes later. She came at the perfect time because my contractions were getting stronger and the busyness in the room was making it difficult to focus. Jeanne immediately took my hand and started encouraging and praying for me. There was total peace in the room. We talked and even laughed in between contractions. My labor was progressing so quickly that there wasn't any time for using "labor tools". I sat up in bed and when a contraction came, I cried out to Jesus as I leaned into Jeanne. I breathed and moaned through each contraction. At one point, I even flapped my lips (I have a video of this and it is pretty funny). I remember looking at Nathan as I labored and noticing how excited and joyful he was to see me enjoying labor. He prayed for me and reassured me that we were going to meet Jonah very soon. About five minutes before I felt the urge to push, my sister-in-law, Natalie, walked in the door. I was thrilled that she made it in time! She joined right in and encouraged me. I knew that I was getting close to pushing and I was getting concerned that my water hadn't broke. I was just certain that my water needed to break in order for me to push. At one point, I looked at Jeanne on the verge of fear and asked her if something was wrong because my water hadn't broken. She smiled and told me that it was wonderful that my water hadn't broken. She said that it probably wasn't going to break until I started to push and then Jonah would slide right out. Natalie heard us and reminded me that there was no room for fear because God had overcome all of my fears. That was exactly what I needed to hear. I cried out to God for total peace and begged Him to bring Jonah quickly. He answered.

The nurse checked me one last time and I was 10cm. I started to feel the urge to push which excited me because I knew Jonah was going to come quick. I asked the nurses to get the doctor and calmly told Jeanne I was ready to push. Looking back on the calmness of my voice at this time gives me chills. The Lord was clearly in control! Pushing was the most exhausting part of my labor, but I would not describe it as painful. After pushing through a couple of contractions, I started to feel very tired and discouraged, but everyone encouraged and prayed for me and with the next push I felt my strength return. This strong push broke my water (another answered prayer). I asked God over and over again to bring Jonah quickly. I kept saying I can't wait to meet him and bring him quick. After just 15 minutes of pushing, Jonah Alan entered the world. They immediately laid him on my chest. I thanked and praised God for such an amazing gift. I cried and laughed as I looked at his full head of hair. The excitement, joy, and peace in the room was overwhelming. God was with us.

Jonah's birth was a complete reminder that God hears and answers prayers. I asked for Him to deliver me from fear and he answered! He is a merciful, faithful, and loving God. My healer and deliverer. I give him glory and honor for such an amazing birth and for this precious blessing.

" your name and your renown are the desire of our hearts." Isaiah 26:8

Friday, April 22, 2011


It's been a LONG time since I last posted. It is always hard to write an "update" post after months of not writing. I can't even begin to summarize our past three months, so I don't think I will even attempt it. We have been so blessed during these past three months. God has been so faithful to provide for each of our needs. He is continuing to teach Nathan and I how to love and care for MarMar and Judah, and also how to better love one another. We are constantly reminded of how much we need God to give us wisdom and provide us with the strength to live in this world!

Judah is 16 months now and always on the go! He started walking at about 14 months and now he is running. He is more playful and joyful that ever! Much of this is a result of his finally being healed of his reflux! HALLELUJAH! At around 12 months, we starting taking Judah to a chiropractor and after a little over a month, he was completely off of his medication and was showing almost no signs of reflux. Now, we can feed him anything and he shows no signs of reflux. We praise God that he no longer is suffering from this disease. Thank you all for all of your prayers. They have truly been answered. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to know that he is no longer in pain! We are fully enjoying caring for our healthy and vibrant little boy!

La'Markus only has a few more weeks of school. He has worked so incredibly hard on his studies this year. While most kids are enjoying sports and other extracurricular activities, he is doing hours of homework every night without complaint.He still tells us that he loves school and will do whatever it takes to continue to go. He is receiving private tutoring in reading and spelling three times a week at school. He has made so much progress in such a short amount of time! We've had so many wonderful teaching opportunities during these past three months. These times of teaching and growing have brought us all closer together. We know that God is drawing him and we continue to pray that he will truly come to know the Father.

Jonah is due in about 3 weeks, but it feels as though he could come any day. We are so grateful that both Jonah and I continue to be in good health. God has blessed me with such an enjoyable pregnancy! I am glad to say once again that I really love pregnancy. I started this pregnancy battling a lot of fear surrounding birth and afterbirth, but I am thankful to say that God has delivered me! He has taught and is teaching me so much about receiving his perfect peace. His grace is so overwhelming! Our family continues to pray daily for Jonah's arrival. We are so excited to meet him. We wait in anticipation for what God is going to do during this time! Please continue to pray for us!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


We found out that we are indeed having another baby BOY (Nathan and I both knew it was a boy)! We were in no rush to find out what we were having or to name this baby, but both have come rather quickly. The other weekend, we were eating dinner with my in-laws and they suggested we start talking about names. Lots of names were mentioned, but one name was a favorite amongst the family- Jonah. We went home that day thinking that Jonah would be a great name for our second baby, but we were not ready to officially name him. The next morning, we received this email from Nathan's dad. If you don't know his father, you should know that he doesn't say much so when he speaks, we listen.

It's a sign. I just went back into my office. On my desk was a little notebook of my mom's Bible notes that she made on all the different books on the bible and topics she studied. There it was. The little book was opened to a page and guess what the title was? "Jonah" lesson 1 of her notes. That should settle it.

Nathan read the email out loud to me and we both agreed that Jonah should be the name of our second baby.

Most people agree that Jonah means peace. A name meaning peace is so fitting for this child because it is my prayer that God will cast out all fear and bring us peace with the arrival of our second baby only 16 months after our first. We feel that God is asking us to trust Him to provide for us as He blesses us with these gifts. Despite our love for children, sometimes having two children under 2 seems just plain scary. At other times, I am so excited to see how God will provide. I am constantly reminded that my purpose on earth is not simply to fulfill my plans or ensure my comfort, but to serve the Lord my God. If this means having two children under 2 and a teenager, then Lord supply me with all I need to mother these children and be the wife you have called me to be. You are worthy!

Please pray for us to fully trust God as we wait for baby Jonah to arrive!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Judah Benjamin

One year of life has gone by so incredibly fast. It seems like just a few months ago that we were bringing our sweet baby home. I don't think I have enough time to adequately describe his first year of life. Judah has brought so much excitement and joy into our lives. We had no idea how much God would teach us through this precious babe. This first year has been full of so many challenges. These challenges have brought our family to the feet of Jesus over and over again. I have cried out to my Father in pain and also in joy. I have stayed in a state of desperation for Him. I've needed Him to provide us with strength and guidance for everything from how to deal with reflux to how to parent Judah in the night. God has been faithful to provide for us in every way! I once heard that the best thing you can do as a parent is to stay on your knees. I know this to be true now! True struggle has only occurred when I stopped coming to my Father and decided that I could some how care for Judah on my own. Every other trying time has been filled with a joy that ONLY comes from the Lord. Despite almost 6 months of caring for a sick crying baby, the Lord gave Nathan and I so much peace and joy. Our marriage was not only protected from harm, we can actually remember being able to laugh and enjoy time together even on the roughest of nights. I can also think of so many times during this year that I looked at Judah and my eyes just filled up with tears as I thanked God for such a perfect gift. I say all of this to give testament to the goodness of Our Father. He is a loving and faithful God!

11-12 Months

- He weighs 22lbs and just started wearing some 18 MO clothes.

- He loves to point, especially at lights. He can easily be entertained by taking turns pointing at fans, lights, and lamps. He is now pointing at people, food, and many other objects. He points at an object and then we tell him what it is called.

- He spent a lot of time in the arms of daddy and the rest of the family while mommy recovered from her surgery. Two weeks of not being able to pick him up seemed like a month, but Judah handled the sharp change really well. He seems to enjoy being held by our other family members more now than ever.

- He can walk while holding onto someone's hand, but he doesn't like to go too far. Grandma was the first one to get him to do this.

- On New Year's Eve, he decided it was time to walk using his walker. I almost gave it back to our friends because I didn't think he would ever use it.

- He loves to surprise us! As with the walker, he will not do something for a month and then one day decide that he loves it. He is famous for doing this with food. He will deny a food for weeks and then suddenly gobble it up like it is his favorite dish.

- When he wakes up in the morning, he makes a soft "pa-pa" sound over and over again. It is so cute!

- He loves to talk! He will make every 2 letter sound he knows for several minutes.

- He tries to mimic the sounds we make. I love when he tries to flap his lips like a horse!

- If he gets really upset, he will hold his breath and pass out. NO JOKE! He will start by crying and then begin to hold his breath (not on purpose of course) and sometimes he can't catch his breath which causes him to pass out. I freaked out the first time he did this, but after a talk with our pediatrician, we were confident he had a breath holding spell. Google it- it's a real thing babies do at around Judah's age. Now when Judah starts to get this upset, I hold him and blow in his face to prevent it from happening.

- He likes to people watch. He is so good when I take him to stores because he just stares at all the people.

- He makes this cute gurgling sound when he gets excited.

- He prefers to be in a standing position and walks along walls and furniture to get where he wants to go. He still isn't sure about taking any unsupported steps.

- He still loves being physically close to us and we love to be close to him!